Measurement of blood pressure
Lately at school age children is the blood pressure measurement a part of the routine cardiology examination.
If the suspicion of high blood pressure arise, a 24 hours blood pressure measurement should be performed.
High blood pressure is also a situation which is seen in childhood: at least 1% of all children and youngster will be affected with it.
The blood pressure measurement in our clinic will be performed using the well-established, modern system from the company GE: Dinamap V100. This equipment can next to blood pressure measurement, measure also the pulse oximetry and the body temperature.
In case of 24 hours blood pressure measurement the cough will be fit on the upper arm and the measurement device will be the size of smart phone. It will measure automatically blood pressure every 15-30 minutes. After the measurement is over, it is possible with the help of computer program to plot the entire measurements through the day and night.
The measurement can be done in each age group.